Healing Tree Therapies and Shamanic Practice
Healing Tree Therapies and Shamanic Practice
Investmest for your Healing, Health and Life Guidance.
Pre pay for your healing session.
In person or online.
Light Language and tonal healing.....£85
Ascension and galactic healing session.....£120
Spiritual Intuitive Reading and removal of blockages......1-2 hours mins...................£65
over 2 hours.....£80
Journeying and Quantum Hypnosis Session ....£120
Animal Healing /Spiritual Counseling ....in person...£25
Please note my treatments are not the usual 45-60 mins-
I allow time for the client to give me as much information as they need and quality listening time,. This is given both before and after the sessions-in this time there is a lot of counseling taking place and a lot of inner shifting even before the client gets on the table- this is all part of the healing ceremony- after the healing I feedback what has happened and any messages from spirit and the client is given time to feed back their experience and is allowed to just be until they feel ready to leave.
drinks are offered before and after- therefore my pricing reflects this amount of time.
PLEASE NOTE: My policy is that on booking a workshop a deposit is needed to secure the place of £50. This is due to people booking workshops and not turning up.
Shamanic introduction....two days.....................£200
Power Animals of the Medicine wheel workshop....£75
Usui Reiki I..............................two days£150......................................£50
Usui Reiki II..............................two days.£200....................................£75
Usui Reiki III...........................two days...£300....................................£100
Sekhem Heka .levels.1-6.........One day..£75....................................£25
Sekhem Heka...Level 7...........One day...£200.................................£100
thank you,