Healing Tree Therapies and Shamanic Practice
Healing Tree Therapies and Shamanic Practice
This group has been meeting for over 5 years. We have a turnover of members, and a core group.
This group meets monthly on the first tuesday evening of the month.
This group is open to anyone interested in shamanism, those with no experience and those who have .
Please bring a drum, rattle, shaker, cushion and blanket.
The group meets from feb-jute, then sept-december.
In the group we cover techniques such as
- learning how to shamanic journey
-working and developing a closer relationship with our guides and allies.
- become aware of the medicine wheel and our yearly journey around it.
-learn how trees and plants spirits can help us and heal us
-dancing, chanting, singing, playing.
- drumming,rattling,percussion.
we start the group by opening the medicine wheel and sacred space by calling in the 7 directions.
we often drum and rattle out the energy of the previous month and welcome in the energy of the new month.
I always hold space for the group to lie down and journey into their spiritual world, to receive healing and guidance. This includes a sound scape healing bath.
please bring to the group a cushion , blanket and drum/rattle/instrument.Also anything you would like to put onto the alter.
Meeting dates
i have set up a facebook group- so if you're on facebook please contact me to join.